Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The beach

I am the sea
with my waves crashing
and smashing
on the land.

I am the sea
with seagulls
flying high above me
flapping all feathers over me

I am the sea
with pebbles laying under me
I smell like dirty salt water
when people drink me they will spit me out.

I am the sea
and look full of boats
Children splashing and crashing
waves on the sea shore. Full of pebbles and shells.


If I don’t clean my teeth
they will go all rotten, stinky
yellow with plaque on them.

If I don’t clean my teeth
they will crack and snap.

If I don’t clean my teeth
When they are 70 years old,
they might have been pulled out
Because I am too lazy to brush them.

If I don’t clean my teeth
When I go to the dentist
I lay on the bed
the dentist will look in my mouth
and say “ you have one or two holes in every tooth”

“I’m going to have to pull them all out
and you will have to have false teeth”.

I wished I brushed my teeth

By Natalia

Teeth by Cassie

If I don’t brush my TEETH
they will go rotten and smelly.
They will be stinky, revolting teeth.

If I don’t clean my TEETH
they will hurt when I bite something.
It hurts because I don’t clean them.

If I don’t brush my TEETH
they will become rotten and gross.
I don’t want to go to the dentist
people will have to rip them out
I will have to have false TEETH.

If I don’t brush my TEETH
they will go rotten and smelly.
They will be stinky, revolting teeth.

If I don’t clean my TEETH
they will hurt when I bite something.
It hurts because I don’t clean them.

If I don’t brush my TEETH
they will become rotten and gross.
I don’t want to go to the dentist
people will have to rip them out
I will have to have false TEETH.


teeth by cassie

If I don't clean my teeth
I will get yellow, rotten and furry teeth
with jagged edges and cracks in them.

If I don't clean my teeth my bite will sting like a bumble bee
Or a wasp sting on the foot.
If I don't clean my teeth my teeth are old and fake and twenty-nine years old.
If I don't clean my teeth I’d need to have the drill or fillings.

So I'm going to brush my teeth.